I've been in hiding again.
Well, not hiding per say, but I've been in front of my sewing machine having a good time!
Let me catch up on things I'm thankful for first!
For some awesome girlfriends wanting to go do "nerdy" things with me.
Including but not limited to seeing Peter, Nikki, Charlie, Jackson, and Ashley from Breaking Dawn part 1.
You can see the news clip HERE.
Yes, we were inside.
No I haven't downloaded the pics off my camera yet.
Like I said, I've been busy!
For my sewing machine and the ability to get over the fear of using it.
I'm having SO MUCH FUN!
My gramma and nanny would be so proud!
For the times where our little family has a giggling good time.
Today the kids just busted up over nothing, and Hubby and I had to laugh at them laughing.
I'm sure we were teasing them about something to make them laugh so hard.
But for the life of me, I can't remember what it was, just that they were so darn happy!
Moving along to my news!
After much anticipation, anxiety, and a little bit of self conscious feelings, I've finally put some new stuff in my Etsy store!
Many of you remember I was selling Apple Butter and Watermelon Jam this spring.
Then came my busy summer, and I didn't list anything else.
But the past 2 weeks my desire to sell stuff came up again and I've listed some coffee cozy's into my store!
Also, for the next week, you can get 15% off your order by using COFFEECOZY15
I'd love to hear some of your feedback!
I also offer the option to combine 2 cozy patterns to make a custom reversible cozy!
Thanks for stopping in today!
Have a great week!
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