Thursday, September 15, 2011

Being on a Creative Team

As many of you know, I'm a digiscrap nut.
I have been digi-scrapping for almost 4 years now!
For 3 of those years I've been on Trixie Scraps creative team, and for almost all of that, I've been her Creative Team lead.
That means I, um, motivate, the team.
Really, I'm just the "Queen of Mischief" there.

This is my second family.
I love it.
Some of us have even gotten together in real life.
Face to face!
Now, THAT was a good time!!!!

Moving along.....
That's why I really want any of you digi-scrapping people to get on board with Trixie's latest contest.
She's opened up the opportunity to become a guest on her team.
To see what our crazy family is like.

Let me just tell you, some of the best CT members were once guests on our team.
I'm not guaranteeing anything.
But I am just sayin'.

So here is what you need to do in order to become a guest.

I really hope that you are able to join us!
You will LOVE it!

And if you don't digi-scrap, or for some crazy reason you don't want to join us, it's okay, but could you at least click the image to go vote for last weeks entrants?
You're a gem.


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