And well, it's time that I start making my blog work for me! I plan on doing many things this winter that will help out my family. I may have a blog name change. I may not. I am GOING to open an Etsy store. I probably won't sell on eBay though.
What does this have to do with you or today's post? Not much. I'm just chattering. :) Thanks for reading my chatter.
Now, onto the more important part of my post, I'm doing Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop today. {are you?!}
The point? Choose a prompt and write. Sweet! I can do that!
The prompt I have chosen is: The perfect fall photo…share a picture that defines fall for you in your neck of the woods.
In Utah we don't really have Fall, per say. I mean, there's a 2 week blurp in there after Summer where the leaves start to turn and the weather gets cooler, but it USUALLY dumps snow on us around Halloween.
This year was different. We got a light snow in October, and some horrendous rain, but really, Fall hung out for about 2 1/2 months this year. It was A-MAZING! This is the second year we went up Little Cottonwood Canyon to see the colors. Last year we did it on October 2nd, and there was already snow up there. This year we went up October 16th and there was no snow yet, but it was chilly, but not freezing!
Here is up at the top of Snowbird. Behind us is the Salt Lake Valley. It was beautiful!
We only got our first real snow storm this week. If this became the pattern in Utah, I'll take it. I love Fall in Utah!
You should play along this week with Mama Kat!

Gorgeous! Love the fall colors. I need to make it out to Utah one of these years. Too beautiful to miss...
Very pretty pictures! Love it!
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