{I really love to hang out with this guy}
"Having something to say is different than having to say something."
It has been on my heart lately to kick my Twitter and Facebook habit. It hit me even harder when I read a passage in Romans 12:9-10
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
At that point I knew what I had to do. I needed to kick my social networking habit in the bud. I have been clinging to Facebook and Twitter as a way to connect with busy friends. I am often found with my phone in my face checking in on the going ons of everyone else, and failing to live my life with my children during the week. In the year + that I have had a smart phone, I have had it shoved in my face. How much have I missed or ignored with my children because I'm on the computer checking Facebook? How many events have I been to where I'm checking my phone every 15 minutes to see if the little birdy from Tweetdeck is on, notifying me of any "mentions".
Just how much LIFE have I MISSED living??
I then launched the question on said favorite social sites, asking if anyone had taken a break from social networking, and what their response was? I wasn't necessarily overwhelmed with the responses, but the ones I did receive were encouraging. A close friend also voiced her desire to do the same thing. So, starting today, we plan on handing over passwords and changing emails on each others accounts to hold ourselves accountable.
I have deleted my accounts from Tweetdeck on my phone and in Chrome.
Even for my business account.
In the next 40 days I hope to:
- Seek God in those quiet moments of my day.
- Reconnect with my fantastic children and my wonderful husband
- Move and unpack
- Build my Etsy business: Get item listed, and hopefully make more jam
- Go outside and enjoy the weather more by walking, biking and playing
- Take a Zumba class
- Go to Disneyland with my family
- Get ready for all the fabulousness that is spring and summer, and hopefully plant some seeds for harvesting
- Blog a lot. I know I need an "out" for thoughts, and hopefully I'll be able to keep up on my family blog more.
But who knows. Maybe I'll find that I'm having so much fun not checking my phone and computer so often, that I won't blog.
Here goes my 40 days of social network unplug.
I look forward to reading news on CNN's website and calling or texting to catch up with my friends other than reading what they are doing on Facebook or Twitter.
Care to join me?
"Having something to say is different than having to say something."

Welcome to Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by Tabitha @ FreshMommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now.
1 comment:
I know what you mean. I was a game hound and wasted my time succeeding in the game world. I quite gaming and have really felt productive in life.
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